Yesterday I took a big leap; I let my guard down and allowed everyone in my circle (and some strangers) to have a glimpse into my life through my blog. I didn't realize what a scary and rewarding experience this would be for me. It felt like I accidentally left my journal laying out and it was up for grabs. In that moment anyone that wanted to take a peek at my life now had the ability. I finished the day with over 700 views and some amazing comments and private messages from friends and family. I have now made connections with other friends who have children on the spectrum (that I didn't know about) and I have helped people understand what a day in the life of the Altenburger house can look like in a typical week.
Last year, I slowly started writing posts again on my blog after Gavin was diagnosed. I was mostly doing it as my own therapy. I wanted to be able to have an outlet to share with people what I was feeling, but also to be able to look back and reflect on some of these moments. I would often tell Doug what I blogged about, but that is pretty much where the sharing ended. A few friends would read my blog because I had mentioned it to them or they still had my web address from long ago. Last week as I was telling Doug about wanting to blog about Gavin's routine and we both realized it was time to share my entries with more than just a limited audience.
My goal is still the same, to use this platform as my therapy. Writing helps me process what I'm going through and it serves as my memory bank when I'm too exhausted to store all of this in my head! I hope that people will continue to follow my posts and find answers to some of their own questions or just be there to join us and support us on this very real journey we are on in the World of Autism!
One of my favorite earlier posts, was about a story by an author named, Emily Kingsley, called Italy. If you have not had a chance to dig through my blog and find it, I encourage you to click on the link above. I stumbled across this story when Gavin was first diagnosed. It perfectly describes what life is like when you learn your child has a disability. Many of you complimented me, yesterday, on being willing to change my way of thinking for Gavin, but I look at it as the only choice. I love my children beyond words and being their advocate and their support is the reason I am blessed to be their mom.